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Future Business/Club?

As Wheel Tales continues to evaluate existing and future adventures, the proposition of making it a legitimate business looms. As of now we basically are just an extended friendship network that joins me on adventures of my desire. But there always lies that cloud of 'what if...'. In my ideal perspective, everyone would continue to realize the benefit of assuming their own liability and culpability in this dynamic situation, thereby forgoing any need for requiring things like a business or insurance. But the real world can set your ideals aside and force you to plan for the possibility of the 'what ifs' becoming 'oh sh*ts'.

Currently the big idea is to form a 'social club' that is focused on adventure bike touring. This would require a limited membership and that is a sticking point. Trying to think about what requirements would keep tours open to everyone. Maybe you must have a member sponsor, referral? Other things to reconcile is how to deal with equipment acquisition. One of the larger reasons to form a club is to keep Wheel Tales out of the touring BUSINESS which would require us to register as tour operators in states. Since these operate as a co-op and patrons contribute to the success and logistics, we don't want to complicate these adventures. Lots of considerations.

Those of you that have done a tour and would continue to support Wheel Tales, I would love to know your thoughts and ideas.

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